Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Creation On The Web

Our family just returned from a Victorian holiday, a component of which was the Creation Supercamp. Never heard of such a thing? Basically, it was a family conference hosted by Creation Ministries International, (which used to be called "Answers in Genesis"). This is an organisation which aims to investigate, and disclose, real scientific evidences that the Genesis account of God's creation of all things within six 24-hour days can be safely taken literally- that God's revealed Word can be trusted. I really do recommend that you all go and read some the articles at http://www.creationontheweb.com and keep an eye on when the free seminars might be coming to Adelaide, (http://www.creationontheweb.com/events).
For anybody who has ever wondered uneasily about how Christians ought to approach Darwin's theory of evolution, and the geological "evidences" of the Earth's antiquity, it is such a relief to know that if we are willing to put our faith in the God of the Bible, the science will not leave us unsupported!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Welcome Everybody


The purpose of this Blog is for people to post serious and thought provoking questions about Christianity. The idea here that you post a question that you'd like to discuss e.g. can we take the Bible literally, then people respond. But, if you do respond to a post please try and provide reason for your answers either from the Bible itself or from books that have been written on the subject. We're going to try and make this site more of an objective information site and less of a subjective site.
Basically this blog is an opportunity to learn a bit more from others and from your own research.
Enjoy and God bless