Our family just returned from a Victorian holiday, a component of which was the Creation Supercamp. Never heard of such a thing? Basically, it was a family conference hosted by Creation Ministries International, (which used to be called "Answers in Genesis"). This is an organisation which aims to investigate, and disclose, real scientific evidences that the Genesis account of God's creation of all things within six 24-hour days can be safely taken literally- that God's revealed Word can be trusted. I really do recommend that you all go and read some the articles at http://www.creationontheweb.com and keep an eye on when the free seminars might be coming to Adelaide, (http://www.creationontheweb.com/events).
For anybody who has ever wondered uneasily about how Christians ought to approach Darwin's theory of evolution, and the geological "evidences" of the Earth's antiquity, it is such a relief to know that if we are willing to put our faith in the God of the Bible, the science will not leave us unsupported!
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After having visited the creationontheweb website I was immediately taken aback by how many articles there are posted on that site. Some of them are very interesting and some of them seem very defensive and angry.
ReplyDeleteWhy does there have to be this defensive/angry tone? Why can't a person believe in both evolution and creationism?
Sure there is a lot of 'player hating' in the world directed at creationists because they apparently push their beliefs onto other people. This may be true in some instances but isn't it ironic that the people making these claims are the ones pushing their belief of evolution on to others. Double standards anyone?
With regards to genesis and the creation of the earth... are we all agreed that this information was pass onto the writer of Genesis (believed to be Moses) by God. Now what if the universe really was created by a single moment is time know as the 'Big Bang'? It would've been pretty difficult to try and describe this to Moses don't you think. What if the information provided in Genesis was merely a metaphor to show Moses that God was behind every thing on Earth. Jesus used metaphors, the prophets used metaphors and so does God (Book of Revelations).
So can a person believe in evolution and creationism? This question is post to you!
Someone once told me that they couldn't see why God created the world in those 6 days as though it was allready billions of years old.
ReplyDeleteNoone can realy argue with that.
I wonder what kind of difference does it make/what is the consequences to ones faith whether you beleive in a literal 6 day creation or evolution or both?
Whether you believe in creationism or evolution it doesn't really matter to your faith as long as you have God at the centre of your thought. There can surely be nothing wrong in believing that God started the 'Big Bang' and was subsequently involved with every step of evolution from that moment on. Or that the Big Guy did create the whole world in 6 days then had a bit of a break. Either way it shows just how amazing and wodnerful he is.
ReplyDeleteFor most people growing up in a secular society like Australia, we are taught that the big bang and evolution are truth and that to believe anything else is silly. Unfortunately, I think the six-day literal creation movement does Christianity a dis-favour by making us seem unreasonable and unscientific to the rest of the world, and making ordinary Australians less willing to embrace the truth of Christianity.
ReplyDeleteWe need to understand that the Bible is a huge and complex library of books written in different times, societies and genres. Jesus taught in parables, and didn't expect the content of these stories to be taken literally, but for their meaning to be taken literally. The same can be said for the poem of creation found at the start of Genesis. I think it's a waste of time for people to try and validate their faith by finding science to try and prove claims that the earth was made in six days and is only a few thousand years old, as if their entire faith hangs on this. And it makes us look silly to the rest of the world, and the rest of the world less willing to embrace Christianity. Let's embrace science and not be scared fringe-dwellers, and let's embrace the truth of the Bible's meaning and understand how to use it.